Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Brainpower Smart Study Free

Brainpower Smart Study
Author: Nina Sunday
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0975194151

Brainpower Smart Study: How to study effectively using a tested and proven 8-step method

DO YOU * Find study boring? * Get drowsy while studying? * Find it hard to focus and pay attention? If you said 'yes', this book shows you how to learn so you remember more for longer. Download Brainpower Smart Study: How to study effectively using a tested and proven 8-step method from rapidshare, mediafire, 4shared. Based on the science of how your brain works, the 8-step method described in Brainpower Smart Study is easy and effective. For the first time, you'll have a fail-safe way to encode information into your memory. Most students simply read and make notes. Apart from a quick review of these notes, they just hope for the best. Only at the moment of truth - the examination - do they realise what they don't know. Every student should read this book.

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Brainpower Smart Study Free

Brainpower Smart Study education books for free. Based on the science of how your brain works, the 8-step method described in Brainpower Smart Study is easy and effective. For the first time, you'll have a fail-safe way to encode information into your memory. Most students simply read and make notes. Apart from a quick review of these notes, they just hope for the best

1) Big Picture
2) Recall Outline
3) Absorb
4) Importance Check

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